Sunday, August 16, 2009
Have you even gone to a store and dealt with a really annoying cashier? I've found that some cashiers are just horrible! So I've decided that every cashier fits in a certain category! Here's the categories.
- Ms./Mr. Popular: This is the cashier that is talking on the phone, texting, or shouting across the store. It never fails to annoy me when I'm waiting five minutes to buy a simple magazine because the cashier needs to know what Debbie is wearing to the bar tonight.
- The Nosy Douche bag: Don't you get annoyed when the cashier is looking at everything in your cart and making disapproving faces at all the foods they don't like? Or when they stare at your license like they've never seen one before? OR when they see your signature and just smirk and cough to cover their laughter? That makes me mad, I can't right cursive, didn't know it was so funny!
- Newbie: Ever went to pay and the person had no idea what they were doing? I can understand when it's their first day, but when they've worked there forever and they have to ask the other cashier every five seconds what to do? Watch out, you'll be there all day when this happens.
- Bitch/Son of a Bitch: Ever met a cashier that's just flat out mean? Every time you have an item that's just a little hard to ring up they sigh loud enough you can hear it? Or they move around a lot and roll their eyes like your some kind of retard. I'm not the one working at Blank and Blank so whatever!
P.S. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I'm getting back into a new schedule and life hasn't been too interesting lately, but I hope you enjoyed part 1 of my shopping bothers rant!
Labels: Trouble, Well That Sucks
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hi bloggers! Sorry I haven't blogged in forever, life's been happening, didn't have time to tell you guys all the details! But last night I saw the new Harry Potter movie with Spencer and it was surprisingly good! I've never been into that wizard crap but I actually enjoyed it! The funny thing is I haven't seen any of the other movies, I went to see the very first one but I walked out. I didn't like the ending, who would, but all in all it was a good movie. Even if you haven't seen the others it's pretty easy to understand what's going on, I was scared I wouldn't know what the heck they were doing. But, as entertaining as guys on brooms and people holding up wooden sticks with lights on the tip is, I really want to see Bruno! I've heard it was a little, NC-17 if you will, but I still want to see it. Borat was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of funny movies. I guess you have to have an acquired humor to enjoy it, but I like "bad" jokes. So if you have seen Bruno, was it any good? And if you saw Harry Potter, what did you think about the ending? I'll try to blog again soon!
Labels: Fun with Friends
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy 4th bloggers! The 4th of July is always fun, but what really rains on my parade (no pun intended) is that fireworks are illegal in Memphis! The city can have a fireworks show, but there's no fireworks stand in the city. Every year I'll go out to Arkansas, right outside the bridge and go to some rednecks' firework tent and buy some kick ass fireworks. Seriously, have you ever met a pyro who sells fireworks? On the internet we would call them some major BAMFs. I hate those people who just buy black snakes and stay away from Roman Candles, Screamers, Parachute Launch, and all that, they make me sick! If your even going to a firework stand, get the stuff that can blow you up, not the stuff that makes you sit watching a piece of coal for an hour. Now I have to admit those little diamonds you light and they spin around and leave a black circle on the cement? Those little things are awesome! But I do prefer the big blows. So what are you doing for the 4th? Are you one of the sissy firework people or the pyro BAMFs? Happy 4th of July!
Labels: Fun with Friends
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hi everyone! So last night I had a sleepover with my best friend Spencer. Well she wanted to watch a Jack Nicholson movie so we watched a truly classic movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. What was weird to me was the movie was only under the Drama genre, when it was obviously also a comedy. If you haven't seen it, you really should watch it. It's about a man who was sent to jail because his girlfriend who claimed to be 18 was really 15. To get out of jail he acts crazy so they'll transfer him to a mental institute. In an attempt to spice up the routine and events at the institute Jack Nicholson is put through a few inhumane punishments. The ending was a good and bad ending, but I'll let you guys decide what you think about it. This is a true classic, Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito both were amazing actors and I recommend this movie to everyone. Just a warning, there's strong language, a little violence, and other things that make this obviously rated R. So, if your one of the few that haven't seen this movie, go watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest so you can see a real classic.
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hey bloggers, if you have been anywhere near a tv, a radio, or any person on June 25th then you know about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett's deaths. I started my day out with a cup of coffee and ended it hearing tributes to the King of Pop and the famous Charlie's Angel. I found this picture on the internet, thought it might make you smile =)
Labels: Music, Well That Sucks
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hi everyone! Okay so last night I went to the movies with some friends, Julia, Allison, and Chandler! We went to see The Proposal and it was surprisingly good! I wasn't actually expecting it to be funny, I thought it would be predictable. But I got a good laugh out of it. I go to the movies a ton so I usually think movies will be predictable. But I'm glad I saw this instead of Year One, the other movie I would've saw instead. If your not sure on the plot, it's about a woman(Sandra Bullock) who is being deported to Canada, so as a spur of the moment decision, she tells the board that she's marrying her Editing Assistant, Andrew(Ryan Reynolds). To make it seem official they go across the county to Alaska to meet Andrew's parents and grandmother, played by the awesome Betty White! Over the weekend the family decides the two should get married in a barn at their amazing Alaskan lake home. Through out the weekend there's a few twist and turns, and unexpected actions and feelings between the couple. If your not into romantic comedies, then I encourage you to spend your money else where, but if your in for a good laugh, and a "awww" moment then I say go see this with a couple of friends. All my friends enjoyed it, I bet you would to! Also, the dog, Kevin, is the CUTEST dog I have ever seen! What breed is that?!?!
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hey bloggers! Okay so I've always liked cooking, and I want to get into baking. Does anyone know any good baking books or recipes? I got this picture, wouldn't this be amazing to make?! I LOVED the old Mario game so when I saw this I thought it would be so cool to make cupcakes as cool as these! I hope this looks easier to make than it is! But if anyone knows anything about baking or cooking, any good ideas? If so please e-mail me at with such! Might go to Barnes and Noble, and Hobby Lobby to get supplies and recipes. Besides, the best hobby is the delicious kind! Thanks crafty bloggers!
Labels: Hobbies
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ok so I found this lost show from I'm guessing the nineties? Well it's this sitcom called Two Guys and a Girl, it's actually sort of funny! Now, it's one of those generic comedies, the one where the audience laughs at EVERYTHING, and that is ... a little unbearable at times! Like, I enjoy the show, I think it's sort of funny, but I cannot vouch for that because it was five in the morning, I was sleep deprived. But if you ever liked that show Friends, Seinfeld, other shows about idiotic friends, than you might like it! I didn't expect to like it, but I did. Since this is never on TV, I would like to thank ShovelFace on youtube, (link at the end) for uploading all the episodes, including an episode guide if your interested. I've only seen a few episodes from season one, they're all about twenty minutes long, but I think if you want a cheap laugh, or just am sleep deprived at five a.m., give it a look! You might just like it.
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Friday, June 12, 2009
So today I was bored so I watched that sort of new movie, He's Just Not that Into You, and oh my god! It's so freaking true! I mean there's basically three kind of girls that I've seen, the girls who are SO desperate that it's the reason they're still single, and the girls who throw themselves out there, don't even try to have confidence, are totally convinced they can't hold a relationship, so they just have meaningless flings, and then there's the heroes. The girls who can act like everything is fine, never bitch and whine about guys, and it's amazing! Single and taken alike cannot go a day without talking about guys, but the rare girl who never says anything but has relationships, I don't know how it's possible. But I say kudos to her! Me, if any of you have seen He's Just Not That Into You than compare myself to GiGi, the girl who never shut up. But even though friends are always helpful, they're unhelpful at the same time. If you know a girl who's a desperado, than her constantly talking about being single won't help any single friends. And friends in a relationship who talk about how great it is, you have to love your friends but sometimes you can't stand them! But here's the good thing about friends. No matter if they're single or have been in a relationship for years, you can have a TOTAL bitch session with them about guys! Because guys, I'm sorry but just take this advice, don't tell a girl anything you don't want repeated to her friends. Because TRUST ME, it will be repeated, your exact words, we don't forget stuff like that. Well this is my shot at giving words of wisdom. Thanks for listening!
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Okay so Last night I was talking to my friend Shalom while this movie, Blade, was on TV and she said she loved that movie and the sequel. Well I watched it and oh my gosh, what a cliche movie! It was about this bad ass wannabe dude who killed vampires with garlic, UV rays, stakes, and fire. What the heck? I hated the Twilight movie but at least they didn't use all those cliches. It was sort of annoying because it made no sense, how the heck did this dude who just kills vampires afford all these crazy weapons and this huge warehouse/laboratory? It made very little sense, but I actually for some reason liked it. After that movie I watched Blade: Trinity and it was better than the first but once again, how the heck do these people with no jobs afford this stuff? I know it's a movie but I like movies where the pieces add up, and this movie, nothing added up. And the biggest cliche of all vampire cliches was that they were killing ... Dracula. That's right everyone, they were trying to kill Dracula to get his blood or something like that. I'm not sure on all the details. it was four in the morning and I was falling asleep during that last twenty minutes so I might be totally wrong on some details. But I'm positive there was a vampire pomeranian, which was weird. But I thought for today's blog I would talk about this extremely unoriginal movie. Some how, it was a good movie but at the same time you want to roll your eyes because of the events. Maybe I'll watch the fourth one tonight, I bet it's real original(eye roll!)...
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hey everyone I know I haven't blogged in forever so while I'm at my best friend Spencer's house I decided to blog about something she just did, only a little different! Tonight began like any other sleepover with Spencer, we went to the movies and then went to her house to do random stuff! Over the night we recorded two talk shows that were made with the fuel of pure boredom, and then we attempted to watch Slumdog Millionaire! I bet I would've enjoyed it but the glasses I so rarely need I didn't have, thus I could not read a single sub title! Eventually Spencer went to watch random videos of her fantasy boyfriend Hayden Christensen. The obsession has gotten to the state where there's no cure but that's not what I'm blogging about! While she did that I watched my own obsession video, or movie. I watched Fireflies in the Garden with Ryan Reynolds! I've just started thinking he was cute, not really an obsession just a celebrity crush, nothing wrong with that! But I felt like watching a movie with him and to no surprise, it was a GREAT film. It was a drama which was really sad and hard to follow but it got good. But at like six A.M. Spencer came back to mock about my "obsession". I laugh at this because while she did this, she was on looking at pictures of Hayden Christensen while she talked about me. Ha! Great burn Spencer, you really showed me. No but it was a great sleepover like always, we had a ton of fun when I wasn't smashing her head with a pillow and she wasn't fantasizing about Hayden Christensen. Spencer, your a crazy bitch who talks too loud in public and your a total dork, but hey your my friend and most importantly, we're both crazy loud dork bitches so it's okay. And now, a tribute to me and Spencer's different taste in celebrities!

Labels: Fun with Friends, Hollywood's Finest
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hi bloggers! I wish I could say I would be able to give a daily blog like always, but sadly I'm grounded! I found my computer and I have about five seconds to tell you guys that I won't be able to get on for a while. Sucks right? Well, tell that to mom and dad. Hopefully I'll just suck up until I'm free again. Hope to blog to you people soon! =(
Labels: Trouble
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hello everyone! Today I'm doing one of the number one things you can do to rekindle yourself with your inner child... I'm going to the ZOO! Yes my friend Shalom invited me to go to the zoo and what was I suppose to say? "Oh no I don't think so zoos are boring." Who would say that? Zoos are awesome! I might just be hyper because I had a cup of coffee two minutes ago, but I really think it's because I'm going to the zoo! I got this picture of one of the pandas at the Memphis Zoo, the zoo I'm going to. Isn't it cute? The pandas are my favorite at the zoo, they're SO adorable when the chew on bamboo and play with each other! My other favorites are probably polar bears, penguins, and flamingos. I used to be obsessed with flamingos when I was little, even though I didn't pronounce the word flamingo right until I was like five, I still loved them! It was mostly because I love beaches, and I always put flamingos and beaches hand in hand. Even though I've never seen a living thing ON the beach when I go other than people. Mostly just dead fish and a ditch some kid dug full of dead jelly fish... these are my vacations... well I got to go get another cup of coffee and get ready to go to the zoo. Bye bloggers!
Labels: Fun with Friends
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
In the last few days my life has been movie filled, including two movies that really stood out in the tons I watched. Those would be Shawshank Redemption and The House on Sorority Row. I started my Friday night with a wonderfully executed horror film from 1984. May I just say that the 80s, NOT a good time for movies. I mean, I don't think a lot of people slept well in the 80s. That could of been because they were trying to sleep in shoulder pads or because they thought they might die, either or! But The House on Sorority Row is no.14 on the best horror movies of the 80s. And let me add I just saw an extremely creepy picture on that list, the things I do for the bloggers. But The House on Sorority Row is about I think it was five girls who prank their house mother and accidently kill her. Sound familiar? Their remaking the spine tingling thriller which is due October 2nd 2009. If your a movie goer like myself you might have already seen the trailer on the big screen. I'll admit that the newer version looks more intense and scary, but nothing can beat the 80s. I think Terminator is a good example, who would rather see the awesome stop motion terminator instead of the all green screen and effects terminator? But back to The House on Sorority Row, after the prank goes wrong bad things happen to each girl, and they are confronted by a lady in a dark black cloak... And a clown. I honestly believe the clown was just added because well... Clowns are f*cking creepy and they really just wanted to make you scream. I'm not entirely sure about this because the version I watched was only 40 minutes, trimming all the crap and getting straight to the gore. Since I never even saw the house mother, I can't confirm if she was the killer. But if any of you think this sounds like a good movie, well in a way your right. But for the lighthearted, for your health, this is not your movie. They showed a girl get her throat slit, something that a faint person will not take well. All in all, my last thoughts about this movie were "Nicely done and good acting. Main character reminds me of that girl from Twilight who's name I cannot remember right now. Very gory, but all in all an exciting thrill ride." After watching that with my best friend, I watched very much later an episode of Family Guy which intrigued me to watch Shawshank Redemption, based on the book by Stephen King. Shawshank was great. The acting and script were wonderful, and Morgan Freeman couldn't have been better for his part. I was happy to see Stephen King wasn't as demented as I thought... until I went to his website. The next night I was wondrous to see if he had any other heart felt dramas, yet my spine disagreed. Seeing the list of movies, I saw almost every movie title that had always made me wince, every poster I shied away from when I saw it, and don't get me wrong, King is a genius none the less, but he is a reason I didn't get much sleep as a kid. It's not healthy to come up with so many blood curdling movies! Really, I would like to see more Shawshank and less Carrie. But even though I would claw my way out if I was in the same room with him, I have to say that after his movies I'm always in awe because their great. Sure I won't sleep for a week, but I will know that he has some great (yet extremely weird) movie and book ideas. So the moral of this blog, Stephen King is a disturbed genius, the 80s was possessed fashion and movie wise, The House on Sorority Row is not for the faint, and most importantly, watch Shawshank Redemption! Have fun movie going!
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Alright so I was watching School Year Vlogs from peron75, or whatthebuckshow on youtube and I started thinking about my 3rd grade memories, and I knew it would not fit in the 500 characters in the youtube comment section. So, you guys can here this! Alright, so the first day of school I'm going to this school that I've never been to before, all new people, and all new bitchy teachers may I add! I went in and sat down and a few minutes later the teacher walked in. She was wearing a long blue button up type dress WITH matching tennis shoes. Also, no offense to her, but she was sorta...big. I'm pretty sure I have the right to say whatever the hell I want about her after the way she treated me though. Back to the story, after the first week I developed a crush on some cute blonde guy and had two new friends, I think their names were Natalie and Kaley. I THINK. 3rd grade is a bit of a blur, so I'm not positive about that. Well, also after the first week my teacher kept pulling me out into the hall EVERY FRACKING DAY to punish me for...nothing. I literally was a normal student, never hurt anyone, I just talked with my friends and did my work. Well she kept dragging me out there and you know I have no idea what she said because I knew I was always thinking "What did I do? I didn't do anything that's what I did! Stupid teacher. I hate this lady." Well after a few months of bitch number one, and the bitchy bully who picked on me(may I just mention both of them were fat, and I remember I was like so thin you could see my lungs then because I had had salmonella the year before)my parents had to pull me out of this god forsaken school and put me back in the wonderful Farmington Elementary, and do you know what my teacher did on the last day? She acted all nice and crap like all her bitching had been my imagination. So after my first day back to Farmington, the day of the Book Fair, once I got home my back was KILING me and I had a red spot on my ribs. Next day I find out, I have shingles. Do you know what the main cause of shingles is? STRESS. But can't imagine where me, an innocent 3rd grader who minded her own business got so overwhelmed with stress she got shingles? Couldn't of been Mrs.Smith now could it? Nooo she was much to nice! NOT! Well anyways I was out of school for a week and oh gosh, everyone in my class was too nice, I got personalized get well cards from all of them the next following days. It was so sweet! Once I got back into school everything was normal, life went on, one of my friends, Leslie, moved in the second semester, but other than that the rest of the year was great! Thanks for listening, it felt good to call that dip wad a bitch. Thank-you for putting up with my stories.
Labels: Well That Sucks
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Friday, May 22, 2009
So tonight some of my friends and me are going to another friends house for sort of an end of the year party. We were told to bring a swim suit in case it didn't rain, or snow with the unpredictable weather here in Memphis. But it reminded me of when I went to this friends house and swam with her and another friend in like March. It was about 65 degrees outside, but it was SO much fun! Sure we were shivering and swimming rapidly to stay warm, but when your having so much fun to not think about the cold, it doesn't bother you anymore! You got to love spur of moment choices like that. I mean, we didn't even have swim suits! We all had shorts and a t-shirt on that we borrowed from my friend! This might sound like the stupidest thing to do, but hey! Everything is fun with friends. We could steal a car and be laughing our asses off while the cops chase us on the Memphis Bridge. So, I'm excited to go swimming, but even if it's cold, I'm sure it'll be tons of fun. Besides, summer is here! Mother Nature really needs to get some pills for her menopause, I mean it's rainy, it's snowy, how about some sunshine you old bitch?! As you can probably tell, I f--king hate the weather here. Well I'm going to go see what the weatherman-that-never-ever-is-accurate has to say! Wish me no hypothermia!
Labels: Fun with Friends
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ah painting...isn't it fun? Taking a blank canvas and covering it with hundreds of colors? Well that's not the painting I'm talking about. I'm sadly talking about getting carpal tunnel while stroking a fat brush up and down the shutters on my house. SUPER FUN! So our canvas is the shutters and my brush is an oversized fat brush that hasn't been used in years so the little hairs or whatever those things are keep falling off while I'm painting. It's not as fun as painting a bowl of fruit I'll tell you that. BUT, luckily someone is helping me! But my oh-so-helpful friend really loves breaks. Like every hour equals one break...the only thing keeping me from hiring someone to paint the shutters, is knowing you have to pay whoever you hire. I honestly wouldn't care about the shutters if they weren't faded blue. It would look cute if my house was white, but my house is those boring normal brownish redish bricks. Doesn't match faded blue at all. Were painting them like...the name has the word pearl in it...but it's like...white/tan...that sounds about right. I'm going to go see whatever the hell the name of the paint is! See ya bloggers!
Labels: Well That Sucks
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ever had one of those moments that just made you go "What the hell?" or even a WTF moment? Well I saw a picture of a cute pair of heels and was inspired to seek an insane pair of shoes. And my search did not come up empty handed. This picture might have made you go wtf, or just stare at it for a moment before reading about it. Well I can only guess that this is a photo shoot picture, mostly because you can't walk in those(literally)and only someone being paid would wear those. But, it brought me back to something that has always made me wonder. Ever since I was a little girl I've loved fashion, even growing up I've tried to be creative with my outfits and draw outfits when they come to me, BUT, I've always awed at the crazy thing designers come up with. I understand being bored, but no one will wear some of those outfits! It's crazy! Designers charge tons of money for these designs, but they're not do you I mean, don't you agree? These heels literally make you foot arch all the way up, making it completely impossible to walk on a flat surface! Who came up with this? And WHY? Don't you think sometimes designers are just bored? That's what I think. But hey, if you want to kill your feet, be my guest! So what's your opinion? Write it in the comments!
Labels: Trouble
Oh my gosh FINALLY summer is here! Can't wait to go to a crowded beach with dead fish on it...uh sit through traffic at five in the morning...get sun burned...and oh! Slide through pee in fun water parks. Sounds fun right? No...summer is always full of tourists, and being a tourists too, you don't want to deal with them. Now if I can take a guess at where almost everyone is going, I would say Florida. TONS of tourists go to Florida! And going to Florida at the beginning or end of summer is bound to not be too fun because of the hundreds of flooding tourists. So, if you can't go at the beginning or the end of summer, go in the middle of the summer! Spend you first few weeks of summer soaking up your home town sun, and when you have so much time to plan ahead, your trip is bound to be fun! If your going to Florida for beautiful beaches and maybe a few water parks, DON'T go to Orlando! Do you know how many thousands of people go to Orlando? Find a more secluded town that's just a drive away from tourists attractions. Well, I just thought I would give you bloggers the heads up about Florida summer madness! Got to go tan now!
-Keep shining, Mrs.Brightside
Labels: Well That Sucks
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hey all you bloggers! Mrs.Brightside here with my first EVER blog. But like most of the things I do, it's extremely late at night. It is...2:29AM in Memphis right now! For all you nocturnal crack heads out there, I know it sucks! You sleep in until one in the afternoon and wake up with what feels like a hangover...but you didn't drink last night! So I feel your pain all you noccys. That's right I just made up a new saying. Nocturnal people are now...noccys. But I bet your asking yourself, "What's the point of this blog?" Well guess what? There really isn't. Maybe in the future, during normal day time hours, I will have something to share with you all. But at this hour, all I have to report is that Home Improvment isn't that funny! But moving on from predictable sitcoms and sleepy crack heads, I want to talk about music. Music is something that everyone likes, not the same genre maybe but everyone likes music. Music can make you feel better when your sad, make you remember a story when you can relate to the lyrics, make you laugh or cry, whether their tears of joy because the song brings back great memories, or their tears of sadness, maybe thinking of a lost love? So what kind of music do you like? Me personally am an all out vintage girl. I relate to none of my friends exactly when it comes to taste in music, I like too much sixties, seventies, and a little of the eighties to relate to them when they talk about new artists. So, I'm ending this blog with a simple question; What music can you just, mellow out to, relax and fall into a trance? Thanks for listening to my crazy rant!
-Keep shining, Mrs.Brightside
Labels: Music