Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hi everyone! So last night I had a sleepover with my best friend Spencer. Well she wanted to watch a Jack Nicholson movie so we watched a truly classic movie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. What was weird to me was the movie was only under the Drama genre, when it was obviously also a comedy. If you haven't seen it, you really should watch it. It's about a man who was sent to jail because his girlfriend who claimed to be 18 was really 15. To get out of jail he acts crazy so they'll transfer him to a mental institute. In an attempt to spice up the routine and events at the institute Jack Nicholson is put through a few inhumane punishments. The ending was a good and bad ending, but I'll let you guys decide what you think about it. This is a true classic, Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito both were amazing actors and I recommend this movie to everyone. Just a warning, there's strong language, a little violence, and other things that make this obviously rated R. So, if your one of the few that haven't seen this movie, go watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest so you can see a real classic.
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hey bloggers, if you have been anywhere near a tv, a radio, or any person on June 25th then you know about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett's deaths. I started my day out with a cup of coffee and ended it hearing tributes to the King of Pop and the famous Charlie's Angel. I found this picture on the internet, thought it might make you smile =)
Labels: Music, Well That Sucks
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hi everyone! Okay so last night I went to the movies with some friends, Julia, Allison, and Chandler! We went to see The Proposal and it was surprisingly good! I wasn't actually expecting it to be funny, I thought it would be predictable. But I got a good laugh out of it. I go to the movies a ton so I usually think movies will be predictable. But I'm glad I saw this instead of Year One, the other movie I would've saw instead. If your not sure on the plot, it's about a woman(Sandra Bullock) who is being deported to Canada, so as a spur of the moment decision, she tells the board that she's marrying her Editing Assistant, Andrew(Ryan Reynolds). To make it seem official they go across the county to Alaska to meet Andrew's parents and grandmother, played by the awesome Betty White! Over the weekend the family decides the two should get married in a barn at their amazing Alaskan lake home. Through out the weekend there's a few twist and turns, and unexpected actions and feelings between the couple. If your not into romantic comedies, then I encourage you to spend your money else where, but if your in for a good laugh, and a "awww" moment then I say go see this with a couple of friends. All my friends enjoyed it, I bet you would to! Also, the dog, Kevin, is the CUTEST dog I have ever seen! What breed is that?!?!
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hey bloggers! Okay so I've always liked cooking, and I want to get into baking. Does anyone know any good baking books or recipes? I got this picture, wouldn't this be amazing to make?! I LOVED the old Mario game so when I saw this I thought it would be so cool to make cupcakes as cool as these! I hope this looks easier to make than it is! But if anyone knows anything about baking or cooking, any good ideas? If so please e-mail me at with such! Might go to Barnes and Noble, and Hobby Lobby to get supplies and recipes. Besides, the best hobby is the delicious kind! Thanks crafty bloggers!
Labels: Hobbies
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ok so I found this lost show from I'm guessing the nineties? Well it's this sitcom called Two Guys and a Girl, it's actually sort of funny! Now, it's one of those generic comedies, the one where the audience laughs at EVERYTHING, and that is ... a little unbearable at times! Like, I enjoy the show, I think it's sort of funny, but I cannot vouch for that because it was five in the morning, I was sleep deprived. But if you ever liked that show Friends, Seinfeld, other shows about idiotic friends, than you might like it! I didn't expect to like it, but I did. Since this is never on TV, I would like to thank ShovelFace on youtube, (link at the end) for uploading all the episodes, including an episode guide if your interested. I've only seen a few episodes from season one, they're all about twenty minutes long, but I think if you want a cheap laugh, or just am sleep deprived at five a.m., give it a look! You might just like it.
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Friday, June 12, 2009
So today I was bored so I watched that sort of new movie, He's Just Not that Into You, and oh my god! It's so freaking true! I mean there's basically three kind of girls that I've seen, the girls who are SO desperate that it's the reason they're still single, and the girls who throw themselves out there, don't even try to have confidence, are totally convinced they can't hold a relationship, so they just have meaningless flings, and then there's the heroes. The girls who can act like everything is fine, never bitch and whine about guys, and it's amazing! Single and taken alike cannot go a day without talking about guys, but the rare girl who never says anything but has relationships, I don't know how it's possible. But I say kudos to her! Me, if any of you have seen He's Just Not That Into You than compare myself to GiGi, the girl who never shut up. But even though friends are always helpful, they're unhelpful at the same time. If you know a girl who's a desperado, than her constantly talking about being single won't help any single friends. And friends in a relationship who talk about how great it is, you have to love your friends but sometimes you can't stand them! But here's the good thing about friends. No matter if they're single or have been in a relationship for years, you can have a TOTAL bitch session with them about guys! Because guys, I'm sorry but just take this advice, don't tell a girl anything you don't want repeated to her friends. Because TRUST ME, it will be repeated, your exact words, we don't forget stuff like that. Well this is my shot at giving words of wisdom. Thanks for listening!
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Okay so Last night I was talking to my friend Shalom while this movie, Blade, was on TV and she said she loved that movie and the sequel. Well I watched it and oh my gosh, what a cliche movie! It was about this bad ass wannabe dude who killed vampires with garlic, UV rays, stakes, and fire. What the heck? I hated the Twilight movie but at least they didn't use all those cliches. It was sort of annoying because it made no sense, how the heck did this dude who just kills vampires afford all these crazy weapons and this huge warehouse/laboratory? It made very little sense, but I actually for some reason liked it. After that movie I watched Blade: Trinity and it was better than the first but once again, how the heck do these people with no jobs afford this stuff? I know it's a movie but I like movies where the pieces add up, and this movie, nothing added up. And the biggest cliche of all vampire cliches was that they were killing ... Dracula. That's right everyone, they were trying to kill Dracula to get his blood or something like that. I'm not sure on all the details. it was four in the morning and I was falling asleep during that last twenty minutes so I might be totally wrong on some details. But I'm positive there was a vampire pomeranian, which was weird. But I thought for today's blog I would talk about this extremely unoriginal movie. Some how, it was a good movie but at the same time you want to roll your eyes because of the events. Maybe I'll watch the fourth one tonight, I bet it's real original(eye roll!)...
Labels: Hollywood's Finest
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hey everyone I know I haven't blogged in forever so while I'm at my best friend Spencer's house I decided to blog about something she just did, only a little different! Tonight began like any other sleepover with Spencer, we went to the movies and then went to her house to do random stuff! Over the night we recorded two talk shows that were made with the fuel of pure boredom, and then we attempted to watch Slumdog Millionaire! I bet I would've enjoyed it but the glasses I so rarely need I didn't have, thus I could not read a single sub title! Eventually Spencer went to watch random videos of her fantasy boyfriend Hayden Christensen. The obsession has gotten to the state where there's no cure but that's not what I'm blogging about! While she did that I watched my own obsession video, or movie. I watched Fireflies in the Garden with Ryan Reynolds! I've just started thinking he was cute, not really an obsession just a celebrity crush, nothing wrong with that! But I felt like watching a movie with him and to no surprise, it was a GREAT film. It was a drama which was really sad and hard to follow but it got good. But at like six A.M. Spencer came back to mock about my "obsession". I laugh at this because while she did this, she was on looking at pictures of Hayden Christensen while she talked about me. Ha! Great burn Spencer, you really showed me. No but it was a great sleepover like always, we had a ton of fun when I wasn't smashing her head with a pillow and she wasn't fantasizing about Hayden Christensen. Spencer, your a crazy bitch who talks too loud in public and your a total dork, but hey your my friend and most importantly, we're both crazy loud dork bitches so it's okay. And now, a tribute to me and Spencer's different taste in celebrities!

Labels: Fun with Friends, Hollywood's Finest
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hi bloggers! I wish I could say I would be able to give a daily blog like always, but sadly I'm grounded! I found my computer and I have about five seconds to tell you guys that I won't be able to get on for a while. Sucks right? Well, tell that to mom and dad. Hopefully I'll just suck up until I'm free again. Hope to blog to you people soon! =(
Labels: Trouble